Bouquet Flower gift

Bouquet Flower gift

Bouquet Flower gift
In truth a great composition! The combination of orange and coral roses, white lilies, yellow and green chrysanthemums, pink gerberas make this bouquet soulful and refined. The brilliance of fresh flowers emphasizes decoration of gentle green wrapping paper.
These flowers will be a wonderful present or luxurious addition to the main gift. "The best" bouquet will gladden the most beloved woman in birthday, March 8, or Valentine's Day.
Lily white (1 pt.), Rose orange (2 pt.), Rose coral (2 pt.), Сhrysanthemum yellow (2 pt.), Сhrysanthemum green (2 pt.), Gerberа pink (1 pt.), Greens (1 pt.), Packing (1 pt.), Tape (1 pt.)
SKU MB1081
Our price: $54.45
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